
15 Game Reviews

This game is simply amazing. Go defend the portal bois, we're going to war!

This was a pretty nice game! I really liked all of the references to the Resident Evil games, even the more infamous ones. *cough* Mike Sandwich *cough* I also ran into some minor bugs, mainly the fact that the condition indicator doesn't animate when you're on "critical" or the fact that when I loaded the game, I had less ammo than when I had saved it.

But regardless of these minor inconveniences, it was a pretty fun game. The sprites were used as best as possible and it all really felt like a cohesive visual experience, excluding Mr. X of course.

The voice acting was superb on all sides in my opinion, it definitely beat the voice acting of the first Resident Evil and that can only be good XD. The sound effects and music selection were also all spot on and I think they all fit really well into the game and story. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of this series of fangame flash games and will most certainly give my thoughts on any sequel that should materialize.

I give this game 3.5/5 stars and would recommend it to any fans of Resident Evil and Metal Slug.

Have a nice day >_<)b

Wow! I did not expect this to be so good! The atmosphere is very well done and that scene with Toriel was heartbreaking! I can't wait to see the full game!

Very nice game, it was mostly cut scenes but the cut scenes were well animated so it evened out in my opinion, Curious what kind of storyline you're brewing up for this game series. sadly it was very short so I couldn't give ya the full 5 stars. Keep up the good work.

Amazing! I was anxious to see the next installment in your series and Imust say, WOW! MetaMike and teejay-number13, you both make a great team together, Mike with the story and teejay with the programing. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see the next episode coming out. The game was very good, didn't expierence any bugs and the last fight was hard. (Even though it was usefull to have Leonardo as a meat shield) Anyways, keep up the good work guys, next time you'll make daily first! :D

Good, better than the first one. I liked this game, the part i liked the ost was the story, can't wait to see why Tarma would turn on Marco. Anyways, now comes what I didn't like, the lag. On a lot of scenes the game lagged and that was somewhat disouraging, but i know you will improve. I'm not dissapointed the game met my expectations, no offense, but you still have a lot to learn with flash programming and I'm sure that with time you;re games are goin' to be better and better. I can't wait till the next episode is out, just thinking of the advancing story and the improving gamplay is awesome. But remember this, training makes perfection and I know you will bring awesome games to newgrounds.
On a personal note, I'm jealous, you got more reviews than my flash. Wish ya luck and a lot of succes in you're future newgrounds projects!

Just yesterday i playd the first two parts,
glad that you made 3rd one, now i just have to wait for
the 4rth episode.
A very cool game, nice details, graphics, and good puzzles, took me some time to get
the enchanted drill, but it was nice to finnaly finish the game. :D


Just shoking, :( i dont know exactly wht this game was suposed to mean, but it scared me, i think im going to have nightmares of this...
Still it was entertaining and good, nice work!

Im about to cry...

This is one of the best games ive ever played, a damn good plot and good controls.
Love the idea of a mother what tricks her son to help her, its like evil itself.
One of the best games ive played EVER!!!

I say ya

This game is great! Now i at least know how the consince feals..

YaY! Newgrounds, I still love it! I also like anime and play a bunch of different game genres, except sports, still no good there. Anyway, have a nice day on Newgrounds!

Age 29, Male


Universidad Nacional AsunciĆ³n


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